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How to find information in thousands of notes?

[date of post 2023-02-12 01:13 CET]

My thoughts:

I have used notes apps for a while and I created thousands of small notes there, but it was super hard to find information there.

I want to make it clear - I do not have a full solution for this. But I observed how my mind jumps from memory to memory in peculiar (weird and interesting) associative way. I know that for some people it works in the same way. So it might work for you as well.

Here is an example:

So the final thought was a combination of two jumps between thoughts in respective associations. Same goes with memories.

After a while I created my own app - WebPad - a simple note taking app where every word is a hashtag/link by default.

This simple solution with automatic hashtags allows you to jump between notes by associations. This might help you to find your information or to rediscover it among thousands of created notes.

Theare are alternatives as well like:

These alternatives are well established products but with a little bit different vision.

I would be glad if you try my app, it is available as Android app as well WebPad [Android] .

Fun fact #1: I did not know that keywords for this type of apps are: "personal wiki" or "personal knowledge base". If I knew them upfront I might not had created my own app.

Fun fact #2: It took me several years and 4 versions of the app to discover that simple solution.